Introducing The Golden Age Collection

Introducing The Golden Age Collection

Inspired by your finest pearls and gold, our Golden Age Collection features three newly released sneakers with details borrowed from your jewelry box. Chain embellishments mimic the minimalist anklet trend showing up everywhere and metallic mesh details are the perfect accessory to elevate staple pieces like jeans and knitwear. Think of these sneakers as the final touch on your outfit—making them quite wearable and versatile.

Shop the Golden Age Collection

Allston Fashion Mesh

Modern design, comfort, and sustainability meet our classic, timeless roots in the Allston. This new addition to the Allston lineup features an upper made from a translucent fashion-inspired mesh embroidered with a signature PF Flyers graphic. This new style is built for versatility, movement, and style.

PF. Flyers Allston Solar Flare

Shop the Golden Age Collection

PF. Flyers Allston Fashion Mesh

Pair with: Black jeans and a t-shirt

Wear with: an entrepreneurial spirit

All American Hi Shoe-lery in Cement and Solar Flare

This modern twist on the All American Hi featuring gold and pearl shoe-lery is designed to elevate your everyday sneaker game and put your personal style center stage. This style features a double gold chain—one strand in a twisted gold rope and a second chain featuring matte pearls. With lobster clips at each end, the gold chains can be removed any time you want to change up your style.

PF. Flyers All American Cement PF. Flyers All American Solar Flare

Shop the Golden Age Collection

PF. Flyers The Golden Age Collection

Pair with: Cargo pants and a bold print

Wear with: a dare to be different attitude

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