Grime Time with the Dirtbags: Spotlight on the Carolina Sandlot Collective’s Durham Dirtbags

Grime Time with the Dirtbags: Spotlight on the Carolina Sandlot Collective’s Durham Dirtbags

Known for their relaxed attitude and strong camaraderie, the Carolina Sandlot Collective’s Durham Dirtbags bring a refreshing blend of fun and skill to the diamond. Join us as we dive into a laid-back Q&A session, getting to know what makes this team tick, how they keep the game enjoyable, and why their chill vibe is a key part of their success. Grab a seat, relax, and let’s explore the world of the Durham Dirtbags.

P.F. Flyers x Durham Dirtbags

Q: Our personal mantra is: "Run faster. Jump higher. Fly free." Which one of those relates to Durham Dirtbags the most, and why? (as it relates to your personal life or professional life or future dreams)?

A: Honestly, I see how all three relate to the Dirtbags. The first two are about the chase of improvement, whether as baseball players or humans. But the caveat is that we are seeking that improvement together, as a team, as a support system for one another. Always picking each other up while pushing each other forward. And that is where “Fly Free” comes into play. Because baseball is a game, and at the end of the day, we are out there to have fun TOGETHER.

Q: How would you define Durham Dirtbags’s style as a team?

A: Is it too cliche to say “Dirty”? Haha! Grungy would be another identifier. Every Sunday, everyone attends “practice” in their finest duds (stained t-shirts and torn pants). The best image I can give you is of our teammate who has moved recently out of state. Ryan showed up to all baseball activities in a loose and torn shirt with cutoff jeans/cargo shorts and sneakers, regardless of weather regardless of athletic impact, and he always looked GOOD doing it!

Q: Tell our Flyers about Durham Dirtbags, who you are, and how you're changing the game in your niche/world/domain? Or, how your team wants to in the future?

A: Hey Flyers! First off, welcome to Sandlot Baseball! The Dirtbags are proud to keep Durham dirty on the baseball field while creating an inclusive and supportive environment for all who want to play some baseball, whatever that might look like for you. We have players who have played baseball through college and those who have never touched a baseball before coming to a practice. We want to continue being a “third place” for our community.

P.F. Flyers x Durham Dirtbags

Q: What is your team’s favorite P.F. Flyers sneaker (style/color), if you had to vote on one?

A: The Grounder’s are right up our alley. I am personally attached to the Sage colorway, but the brown is a perfect match for our team colors, so that would be my final answer on behalf of the team!

Q: What’s one thing people don’t know about your team?

A: Our Mascot’s name is Dust E. Bag. It just makes sense.

Q: What inspired the creation or revival of your sandlot baseball team, Durham Dirtbags? How long has your team been around?

A: Our founder, Tyler Schwartz went to the first-ever Revival at the old Durham Athletic Park in 2022, where his brother was playing for the Nashville team. He looked at that and immediately started accelerating. A few months later, we had our first practice with six folks (you can still find that picture on our Instagram). All we had was a name, and some Play it Again bats, but it’s blossomed into something pretty cool.

P.F. Flyers x Durham Dirtbags


In the world of adult responsibilities and hectic schedules, the Durham Dirtbags offer more than just a chance to play baseball—they provide a welcoming community where friendships can thrive. The concept of a “third place,” a haven beyond work and home where you truly feel you belong, has always been essential. For some, it’s a favorite coffee shop or a local community center; for others, it’s the vibrant atmosphere of a baseball field. The scent of fresh-cut grass, the thrill of teammates cheering you on as you sprint around the bases, and the joy of gathering with friends week after week make this ballpark a special retreat—a place where you’re not just playing a game but becoming part of a close-knit community.

Q: What does being a part of the Carolina Sandlot Collective baseball mean to you? How long have you been involved, and what position do you play?

A: Being a part of the Collective is something special. I’ve been involved since the founding of the Dirtbags in the summer of 2022. I play 2nd base with some pitching (I am a hitter’s dream pitcher) and 1st base mixed in!

There are groups and leagues of sandlot teams across the country, but I wouldn’t trade that for what we have here. We show up to games with other teams to play baseball and build relationships with our “opponents” over 9 innings that stretch beyond the field. The Triangle already had some pretty special baseball energy with the Durham Bulls, USA Baseball, and good college programs. But the Collective’s future is bright, and building something right up there with them.

Q: If our Flyers are interested in learning more about how they can get involved with sandlot baseball in their city, where should they go or what should they do?

A: First, check if there is already a team in your area. Sandlot baseball is cool because you can usually just show up with some sneakers and jump right in. Many teams have extra bats and gloves and will gladly give you the stuff to try it out and feel the vibes. But trust me, once you get the itch, it’s hard not to get sucked in. If there isn’t a team in your area, reach out to your friends, coworkers, families, etc! You’d be surprised how many people would be down to come out for some exercise, and it’ll snowball from there!

Q: Who's your favorite character in 'The Sandlot' and why?

A: Benny is the “easy” answer. And I’ll say that his energy in welcoming and pulling Smalls into ‘The Sandlot’ is what we Dirtbags aspire to. But I am also gonna throw Hercules in there. I’m a dog person, and he is misunderstood until the end. I want to believe in my heart that the whole time he just wants to get on the field with the kids. Plus, the guy lives to be 199… in dog years. That’s impressive.

Q: Where do you play, and how can Flyers support your Durham Dirtbags?

A: We play at Crest St. Park in Durham, NC! Practices/pickups are on Sunday afternoons, but the best way to get involved is to check our Instagram for practice and game times! And if you wanna rep some Dirtbags gear, just DM us, and we can hook you up!

P.F. Flyers x Durham Dirtbags

Q: What are some of the most memorable moments or milestones in Durham Dirtbags’s history?

A: Our first walk-off win was pretty special as one of our newest team members stepped up to the plate in the bottom of the 9th, needing to score…Jordan proceeded to hit the first-ever walk-off with a home run at our home field. This was after our first-ever Dirtbags grand slam just a few innings earlier. That game was pretty special.

And for me, it would be our first game as Dirtbags. We hand-printed Dust E. onto white undershirts as our jerseys, and I was the leadoff hitter. I managed to hit a single and still have that ball on my shelf as the first Dirtbags hit in history.

Q: Can you share any interesting or inspiring stories about the players?

A: Interesting… I mentioned him earlier, but Ryan Holmberg is a preeminent manga translator who translated a baseball manga called Bat Kid!

Inspiring…I think the most inspiring things I’ve seen are from our players who barely or never played baseball prior to the Dirtbags. Ari Kravatsky had barely touched a baseball before that first practice in the summer of 2022. Somehow, I convinced him to show up to that first practice, and he hasn’t stopped working since. With absurd amounts of improvement, he is now one of our most consistent players. He is just one member of the team that has seen this as an opportunity to get better at something they love.

Q: How has being part of Durham Dirtbags affected your life outside of baseball?

A: Once you leave High School or college, making friends and finding communities can be difficult. People search high and low for those opportunities and come up short. The Dirtbags have given me a community and support system I could never have anticipated. I have made real friends I would never have met if not for this team, and I know others share the same feeling. I am truly grateful for that.

Q: What personal achievements or milestones within the team are you most proud of?

A: There are moments that you see and feel right then and there. My first hit, first strikeout. Walking out on the old Durham Athletic Park field for the first time under the lights. Wearing the jersey I had designed for the first time. Seeing a team roster explode from 6 to over 35 active players. Just hanging out in the dugout. Hearing “Centerfield” start playing at the beginning of practice. Feeling our first loss and celebrating our first win. Eating pizza at Boxcar in Durham after a game. These are all memories that I am making with friends and will be with me forever.

P.F. Flyers x Durham Dirtbags

Q: What makes the Durham Dirtbags sandlot team unique or different from other sandlot teams?

A: Like so many other sandlot teams we are there to play ball and get better, compete and sweat. As Jeb Brinkley always says, the Dirtbags pride ourselves on our “vibes”. We want to make sure that everyone gets an opportunity to feel included and challenge themselves and others. Playtime is split and that includes position assignments. As I mentioned earlier, we value the support of each other and what we can bring to each other as people, not just players. So many of us hang out outside of team environments despite having never met before the team, and that is pretty special.

Q: Why are you the Durham Dirtbags? What makes someone a “Dirtbag”?

A: “Dirtbags in name only”! That’s a shirt, don’t steal it!

We went through a lot of name possibilities, but the Dirtbags just stuck. We are a scrappy team out there on the field. I won’t pretend that we play beautiful baseball all the time, but we are always giving our heart and soul to the game and our teammates. That is what makes someone a Dirtbag, love for the game, and love for each other.

Q: What makes your team proud to be a part of Bull City?

A:Our catchphrase is “Get Dirty” and one of the catchphrases of Durham is “Keep Durham Dirty”, so we try to keep our uniforms (not our play) dirty on the field to live up to both of those. Durham has so much baseball history. We feel lucky, honored, and responsible to uphold that history of the town. Whether it is the rocky basepaths at Crest St. or the manicured grass of the Durham Bulls, there is something special in this town, and we are going to do our best to keep it that way.

We hope you’ve enjoyed diving into the story of the Durham Dirtbags and discovering what makes this team truly unique. As they proudly live by their motto, “Dirtbags in name only,” it’s clear that while their moniker may suggest a rough exterior, it’s their genuine, community-focused approach that truly defines them. Thanks for joining us on this exploration of the Dirtbags’ world—where the game is as much about the people as it is about the play.

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