Alexandria Monet of She Thrifty Apparel and Unorthodox Vintage

Alexandria Monet of She Thrifty Apparel and Unorthodox Vintage

We're shining a light on remarkable Craftswomen who are making waves in their industries. Today, we're thrilled to share an inspiring Q&A with Alexandria Monet, the dynamic entrepreneur behind She Thrifty Apparel and Unorthodox Vintage. Alexandria's journey is a testament to the power of craftswomanship and innovation in the world of fashion, blending sustainability with entrepreneurial spirit. Join us as we delve into her story, uncovering the challenges and triumphs of her path to success, and gain insights into how she's redefining the vintage apparel landscape.

P.F. Flyers x Alexandria Monet

Q: Our personal mantra is: "Run faster. Jump higher. Fly free." Which one of those relates to you the most, and why? (as it relates to your personal life or professional life or future dreams)?

A: Fly Free resonates with me the most! My childhood and upbringing was pretty dysfunctional so taking my power back and releasing trauma in my adulthood has allowed me to grow in ways that are so freeing! While helping others know they don't have to stay stuck/restricted.

Q: Tell us and the world about you and who you are (this can include your role, brand, and elevator pitch/mission statement if you have one).

A: My name is Alexandria Monet, I am a circular fashion advocate and thrift extraordinaire. Based in Durham NC. A rebel with a cause as I like to call it; I currently own and operate two vintage and secondhand apparel businesses ( She Thrifty Apparel & Unorthodox Vintage ). Both brands are different in their own right but fall under a similar mission; to challenge conventional fashion norms and advocate for conscious consumerism. I believe in breaking the mold, changing the narrative of fashion and textile waste and spreading joy through actualizing your BIG BIG dreams!

She Thrifty started in 2020, is based in Durham, NC, and specializes in curating a distinct selection of 70's to 00's era clothing pieces, emphasizing sass, elegance, and eclecticism.

Unorthodox Vintage started in 2022, is based in downtown Raleigh, and specializes in everyday vintage and secondhand apparel with a mixture of street style, decade pieces, and local maker items.

Originally from Connecticut, I relocated to NC to attend The Art Institute of Raleigh-Durham, where I earned my degree in Fashion Marketing Management. I started my business at the age of 24, after being furloughed from my supervisor position at LUSH Cosmetics.

I have been a thrifter by choice since age 14, well before it was considered cool and I used to save my bus money/walk to school so that I could go to the thrift store and buy a piece! That is how I started my collection and I still have several pieces from them that I still wear!

Q: How are you changing the game in your niche, world, or domain–or how you want to in the future?

A: I currently spend time educating the public about textile waste and how accessible and forward secondhand fashion is. Through socials, speaking engagements, school programs, and local non profits; I make it my mission to give my "thrift talk" wherever/ however! We are so consumed with fast fashion ads and instant gratification that the art of personal curation, intentionality, and quality has ceased. I am here to bring that back, call attention to it, keep it affordable and reshape the narrative of what "fashion" is.

Q: How would you define your personal style?

A: Personally I don't think I can define it; my personal style is many people,places,and decades. I enjoy all the versions of myself and what I am drawn to! Vintage garments truly are the center though. I think if I had to give it a name it would be a Bratz girl wardrobe because there are 5 of them and they all dress differentlyThe Allston. I am every one of them!

P.F. Flyers x Alexandria Monet


Alexandria Monet embodies the grit and determination that define successful entrepreneurs who make a meaningful impact. Her journey from a young thrifter to a business owner is marked by relentless perseverance and a deep commitment to sustainability. Through her work with She Thrifty Apparel and Unorthodox Vintage, she not only challenges the norms of fast fashion but also gives back to the community by advocating for conscious consumerism. Alexandria's efforts to foster a culture of intentionality and quality in fashion reflect her broader mission to create a positive, lasting change in the industry, demonstrating that true impact is achieved through both personal resilience and a commitment to the greater good.

Q: What is your favorite P.F. Flyers sneaker (style/color)?

A: My favorite P.F. Flyers sneaker would have to be The Allston in Black.

Q: What's one thing people don't know about you?

A: During college I was hell bent on my career path being a celebrity wardrobe stylist so I packed up my things for 3 months, switched my classes to online, left NC with $300 to my name and obtained an apprenticeship in LA working under two celebrity wardrobe stylists. All to realize that I didn't enjoy it and their work was their life. Well, I didn't have a backup plan and it took me a while to get here!

Q: Can you share the story behind starting your business? What inspired you to pursue this path?

A: The story above is the start of the discovery! I left my apprenticeship/job offer after my time had ended. I went back to North Carolina, graduated with my degree in Fashion Marketing Management and I had no plan B. My resume, skill set and focus had been on making a career in wardrobe styling. At the time, I didn't realize I could still do that just on a different scale, but now I do! Anyway, I started working in retail management with a second job in the service industry. Still thrifting for myself, because it brought me joy, all the while fighting depression from feeling unfulfilled. I had been trying to brainstorm a business idea for 2 years, nothing stuck. Around my birthday in April of 2020, I sat in my hair stylist's chair and balled my eyes out, feeling defeated and confused about life. She asked me if I could get up tomorrow and do anything, what would it be?— not work, just something that made me happy. That question changed my life because I answered: I would get on a train, stop in a random city, and go to all the thrift shops in town! She said, "that's your business love", and I haven't turned back since!

Covid happened shortly after this realization and became the opportunity for me to research, build, and birth She Thrifty.

Q: If you could do everything over again, what would you do differently?

A: I would have started sooner, asked myself the hard questions and stopped trying to put myself in a corporate box in order to survive.

Q: What product or service that you sell is your favorite?

A: My items are hand or personally selected ( if i'm virtually picking them ) so all the vintage gems that are curated hold a special place to me. It's a love language, how I extend my love and I am actively able to recall a piece I curated, even years later!

This has happened multiple times. I will be out somewhere and come across someone who has purchased from me, whether that be recent or from years ago and I know it's my piece.

P.F. Flyers x Alexandria Monet

Q: What have been the biggest challenges you've faced as a female entrepreneur, and how have you overcome them?

A: Challenges, honestly, access to information, money, and seasoned entrepreneurs in my niche.

I am overcoming all three of these still since I am a baby business owner! Access to information regarding the backend work of a business and marketing in today's age is an active effort, but I have found community classes/workshops to be helpful. Money, I have been applying/researching grants as of late and access to seasoned entrepreneurs has looked like me putting myself in rooms where I can meet them/connect!

Q: Can you talk about a significant milestone or achievement in your entrepreneurial journey that you're particularly proud of?

A: Not giving up, I am in the extensive gratitude phase of my life and efforts and I am so freaking proud that I choose this life even when it's hard, financially challenging, and emotionally taxing! I'm proud that I haven't given up.

Q: In your experience, what unique strengths or advantages do women bring to entrepreneurship?

A: Women bring perspective, unlimited imagination, earth shaking energy, witts, innovation, curiosity, passion, skill, joy! I can keep going, but to me women bring everything, even what we didn't know we needed. I really love us!

Q: What advice would you give to other women who are aspiring to start their own business?

A: Don't let fear overshadow purpose! I repeated this to myself so many times as I built this business. It has and continues to get me through, if you are being called to do something or you feel this pulling in your stomach it's because you are supposed to! You are supposed to start, change, discover, reimagine. Even if you don't have all the answers or know how, it's okay because you are exactly where you need to be at that moment. Trust your purpose!

Q: Is there anything we didn't cover today that you'd like to share with our Flyers?

A: If you don't know where to start with secondhand apparel or feel like it won't fit your style, reach out to me personally. I offer personal style boxes that are all secondhand and handpicked for you!

Q: Where can our Flyers follow you and your brand/business?

@iamalexandriamonet on instagram

@SheThriftyApparel on Instagram

@Unorthodoxvintage on instagram

Alexandria's story serves as a powerful reminder that the future of fashion—and indeed all industries—is enriched by diverse perspectives and bold visions. Whether you're looking to refresh your wardrobe with distinctive vintage finds or seeking inspiration to embark on your own entrepreneurial journey, Alexandria's journey underscores the importance of embracing one's passions and challenging the status quo.

P.F. Flyers x Alexandria Monet
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