Step into the creative world of Sal 'Kickstradomis' Amezcua, the renowned sneaker artist whose designs have graced the feet of athletes, actors, and collectors alike. In this behind-the-scenes Q&A, Sal shares his journey, inspirations, and the story behind the epic P.F. Flyers collaboration, blending sneaker art, anime, and next-gen tech.

Q: For those Flyers who don't already know you, please introduce yourself.
A: Hey, I'm Kickstradomis, I've been doing custom sneaker work for celebrities and athletes for the last 10 years. Now have built my brand up to something that is more of a vessel for all types of art, from toys to cards to apparel to sneakers.
Q: What inspired you to become an artist in sports and collectibles, and how did 'Kickstradomis' come to life?
A: It was really just my love for art, really. And I was broke, and I had to figure out a way to make money, man. And then my only talent was art, really, to be honest. So, you know, I had to find a way, if there was anything that I was going to do to make money, was going to be through art. So being able to channel that and do that, that's kind of what propelled me got where I'm at now.
It [Kickstradomis] was a catchy name. I was thinking Nostradamus, like, what's something that would be catchy? It has the word kicks in it. Nobody has, you know, it had to be something that, when people heard it, they're like, that sounds dope. And, yeah, it was just a play on words. And it worked. It stuck.
Q: Throughout your career, you've worked with athletes such as Steph Curry, Luka Doncic, Aaron Donald, and Karl Anthony Towns to actors such as Robert Downey Jr., Ryan Reynolds, and more. How have you been able to build such an incredible network?
A: Word of mouth is doing, just doing good work, hustling and, you know, it's all snowball effect. So you do one, somebody else wants it, and then it just, it starts to build from there. So just word of mouth.
[Working with Steph Curry] Yeah, that one. And actually, it started with the Netflix project, like Netflix wanted me to do a pair for him to wear in the game when they did Last Chance U. And after that, I kind of built it from there, did a couple more after that.
Q: What has been one of your most meaningful or memorable projects?
A: probably would be the Halloween pair I did for Karl Towns, because that's the pair that changed my life.
I was working at this hard labor refrigerator warehouse, making minimum wage, working at this company for eight months, and it was a tough job. And, I mean, it was after an accident, so I didn't have a choice, and I started doing sneakers for Karl, and he was wearing them in the games, and that went extremely viral, and that's when I got my big break, and they had me on ESPN Sports Center, all that good stuff. So, yeah, it was, it was a, it was a life-changing moment for sure. After that, I quit my job.
Q: Tell us about how the Kickstradomis x P.F. Flyers x Impound Comics x Shoe Palace collaboration. What sparked your interest in the collaboration, and what does it mean?
A: I think it was really dope for a company [P.F. Flyers] to really trust me, in something like this, and it was my first big shoe collaboration. So it was really cool. I've done comic covers for J and Ninja Turtles and all that stuff. So I was already in that world. I also have my own comic as well. So, like, the comic stuff aligns with what I do, sneakers obviously. It was all just the perfect matchup. You know, I've done stuff with Shoe Palace years ago. So there's synergy in all parts of this project.

Q: The shoe collaboration blends sneaker art, anime-inspired story-telling, and next-gen tech. Can you tell us more about the tech incorporated into the shoes and what it unlocks?
A: I think the chip thing is really different. The people are able to actually just touch their shoes with their phone and open up an app that gives you way more in-depth info and, you know, kind of like behind-the-scenes look at the actual processes of everything being done. It is really awesome. I mean, the aspect of being able to scroll through the sketch pages of the comic is really cool. It's cool because people probably just see the shoes, and they won't think about what actually went into creating these things, you know. So it's cool for them to have a backstory.

Q: Which pair in the collection is your favorite and why?
A: I like the high-tops. I'm a high-top guy when it comes to sneakers. The low tops are really cool too. Just for this type of silhouette, I really like the high-tops. And with the gold laces for sure.
Q: What are some of the biggest challenges you've faced as an artist in the sports and collectibles world, and how have you overcome those challenges?
A: [I think my biggest challenge] was trying to make a name for yourself in the industry, you know, for me, being a minority didn't help either just like hustling, hustle, and grind and just staying and sticking with it, man, because you don't just make a lot of money like you really have to grind to get there, you know, a lot of shoes, a lot of work, a lot of hours. Yes, it's just consistency, man, you gotta stay consistent. You gotta keep getting better.
Q: How would you describe your style as an artist? And what makes your work stand out or recognizable amongst other artists?
A: I just like to think I'm different. You know, I do a lot of colorful stuff, pop culture, pop art, graffiti style is my thing, you know, kind of what I grew up with. I just try to be myself, I don't try to be like anybody else when it comes to my art. So usually, when somebody sees one of my comics, they'll know it's my work because of the style that I have you know. So stay true to yourself as an artist.
Q: If you could collaborate with anyone on an upcoming sneaker project, who would it be and why?
A: It's a good question. Probably be like, Kevin Durant is my favorite basketball player. He's one of the only ones I had done anything with. Definitely would be him. [Kobe was my favorite player] Obviously, Kobe's not here anymore. KD has been my favorite since and I like that he doesn't care either, like the way he just doesn't care. He and Anthony Edwards, those two guys, definitely.
Q: In a world of ever-changing tech and media, who/what keeps you inspired?
A: I guess it was just between other artists, like other artists in different mediums and stuff that are doing what they're doing, I kind of, I'm more inspired by my family, you know, like, you know, just making money, make sure, okay, more than anything. But, yeah, I just love doing art. So I think that's just it, bro. I just love creating.
Q: Our brand mantra is "Run faster. Jump higher. Fly free." What does it mean to you to "FLY FREE?"
A: Think it's just being you, you know, be true to yourself and what you do. For me, it's like, just create. You know, just create with no no limits, no boundaries. That's kind of how I see it.
Q: Do you have any exciting projects, collaborations, or new artistic ventures on the horizon?
A: Quite a few. You know, I'm working with his new toy company, Thrill Joy, and we got a lot of big stuff coming there. I got a lot of my designer toys dropping soon. What else I got going on? A couple of things going on with some big card companies. You know, it's a lot, man, I got a lot of products that I'm going to be releasing, and so I'm really excited about that, lot of collectible products.
Q: Is there anything we didn't ask that you'd like us to know or share with our Flyers?
A: I don't think I have anything really, just don't miss out on these ones.
Q: Where can our Flyers follow you on social and stay connected?
A: IG @kickstradomis AND WEBSITE:

From bold artistic visions to groundbreaking collaborations, Sal 'Kickstradomis' Amezcua continues to redefine what it means to create in the sports and collectibles space. Stay connected with Sal on social media for a front-row seat to his upcoming projects, and don't miss your chance to explore the innovative designs of the P.F. Flyers x Kickstradomis collection.